Strength training builds more than muscles – Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

“By your mid-30s, most people still look young, but are already experiencing the BIG Three of aging: deteriorating lean muscle mass, worsening posture, and crumbling joints” say Robert Forster, Physical Therapist and PT.

An earlier article explained that the calories you burn during workouts are inconsequential to your overall body weight or body fat content! Instead, it is how well you use your exercise time to reprogram your daily physiology that matters.

strength-training-aging“Adding strength training to your workout routine builds muscle and helps you burn more calories during and after your workout”, says Tom Holland, author of Beat the Gym..

In fact, researchers found that women who did strength training increased their resting metabolic rate (the calories your body needs to get through the day) for as long as 16 hours post-exercise.

This article from the Harvard Medical School explains other reasons why strength training is benefical.

Everyone, no matter how young or old, should be doing some kind of regular strength training, ideallly 3 times a week for 30 mins. This could be at the gym, or at home using the 24Fit Workout DVDs (with resistance bands and  small hand weights), and using your own body weight with exercises at 24Fit Club.

Contact us for a metabolic age test and find how much healthy muscle tissue you have.

24Fit – Don’t skip your protein shake after you exercise and think that you’ll save calories! A protein shake after training accelerates lean muscle growth, which in turn revs your metabolism and burns more fat, and speeds up recovery. It also can prevent you from feeling deeply ravenous and overeating later on. Exercise and nutrition working together to get the best results. Thats #24fit.
