Come join us for a fitness challenge! Get into the best shape and feel amazing!
Our 4 week free FIT CAMP includes:
- 8 to 12 physical training sessions. Number of sessions can vary between different groups.
- Basic education in nutrition to help you get the best result.
- Personal coaching for everyone. We want you to get the best possible results.
- A free lifestyle evaluation and body scan that establish you starting point.
- A fun and simple physical test the first and last day to measure the progress.
- We celebrate everybodys success and recognize those who have done extra great.
- But first of all we have a lot of fun on our way to a health active lifestyle.
Our mission statement:
To teach how anyone, by combining good nutrition with a sound physical activity in an invironment with a high social factor, can achieve a healthier and more energetic life.
24 Fit Club Deal
Come and train in the greatest gym around…the beautiful outdoor spaces of Deal.
Get registered to our information meeting
Places are limited. Get registered before the registration closes.
What you are registering for is the information meeting
There is where we will go through all the details. After that you decide if you want to join our FIT CAMP.
Completing the form
It is important that you fill out who has invited you. If you are personally invited by some of our Level 10 coaches or someone who is already a participant you write that persons name in the field Invited by.
Have you found this page in another way please write that.
You are welcome to bring as many friends as you like. Just send them the address to this website. When they register they must write your name as the one who invited them.
You will be contacted by one of our coaches
Note that it is totally free to participate. The registration is not binding. Filling out the form just mean that you want to know more. One of our coaches will contact you with more information.
NOTE, by filling out the form you have just shown your interest.It is NOT binding and there is NO charge.